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 Biodiesel:  A Realistic Fuel Alternative for Diesel Engines, Ayhan Demirbas

Environmental and political concerns are generating a growing interest in alternative engine fuels such as biodiesel. Biodiesel is a renewable energy source produced from natural oils and fats, which can be used as a substitute for petroleum diesel without the need for diesel engine modification. In addition to being biodegradable and non-toxic, biodiesel is also essentially free of sulfur and aromatics, producing lower exhaust emissions than conventional gasoline whilst providing similar properties in terms of fuel efficiency.

The greatest drawback of using pure vegetable oils as fuels are their high viscosity, although this can be reduced by techniques such as dilution, micro-emulsification, pyrolysis or transesterification. Of these processes, the transesterification of vegetable oil triglycerides in supercritical methanol has been shown to be particularly promising, producing high yields of low-viscosity methyl esters without the need of a catalyst. Furthermore, these methyl esters have considerably lower flash points than those of pure vegetable oils.

Biodiesel: A Realistic Fuel Alternative for Diesel Engines describes the production and characterization of biodiesel, along with current experimental research work in the field. The book will be of great interest to advanced undergraduates, postgraduates and researchers in renewable energy, as well as to fuel engineers.

Table of Contents

1- Introduction

11 Introduction to Energy Sources
12 Global Energy Sources and the Present Energy Situation
13 Renewable Energy Sources
131 Biomass Energy and Biomass Conversion Technologies
132 Hydropower
133 Geothermal Energy
134 Wind Energy
135 Solar Energy

136 Biohydrogen
137 Other Renewable Energy Sources

2- Biofuels21 Introduction to Biofuels

22 Bioethanol
23 Biomethanol
24 Biohydrogen from Biomass by Steam Reforming
241 Steamreforming Process
242 Fuels from Biosyngas via FischerTropsch Synthesis
25 Biodiesel
26 Biooil
27 Global Biofuel Scenarios

3- Vegetable Oils and Animal Fats31 Use of Vegetable Oils and Animal Fats in Fuel Engines

32 Vegetable Oil Resources
321 Inedible Oil Resources
33 Vegetable Oil Processing
332 Vegetable Oil Refining
34 The Use of Vegetable Oils as Diesel Fuel
341 Physical and Chemical Properties of Vegetable Oils
342 Direct Use of Vegetable Oils in Diesel Engines
35 New Engine Fuels from Vegetable Oils
352 Cracking of Vegetable Oils
353 Pyrolysis Mechanisms of Vegetable Oils
36 Gasolinerich Liquid from Sunflower Oil by Alumina Catalytic Pyrolysis
37 Diesellike Fuel from Tallow Beef by Pyrolysis and Steam Reforming
38 Converting Triglyceridederived Synthetic Gas to Fuels via FischerTropsch Synthesis39 Triglyceride Analyses
310 Triglyceride Economy

4- Biodiesel41 Introduction to Biodiesel Concept 

42 History
43 Definitions
44 Biodiesel as an Alternative to Diesel Engine Fuel
45 Sources of Biodiesel

5- Biodiesel from Triglycerides via Transesterification

51 Biodiesel from Triglycerides via Transesterification511 Catalytic Transesterification Methods
512 Supercritical Alcohol Transesterification
513 Biocatalytic Transesterification Methods
514 Recovery of Glycerine
516 Esterification of Fatty Acids with Diazomethane
518 Enzymecatalyzed Processes

6- Fuel Properties of Biodiesels

61 Viscosity, Density, and Flash Point 62 Cetane Number Cloud Point and Pour Point
63 Characteristics of Distillation Curves
65 Water Content
67 Advantages and Disadvantages of Biodiesels

7- Current Technologies in Biodiesel Production

71 Biodiesel Production Processes712 Biodiesel Production with Batch Processing
713 Biodiesel Production with Continuous Process
714 Biodiesel Production with Noncatalyzed Transesterification
715 Basic Plant Equipment Used in Biodiesel Production

8- Engine Performance Tests

81 Engine Combustion Process and Combustionrelated Concepts82 Engine Performance Tests

9- Global Renewable Energy and Biofuel Scenarios
91 Global Renewable Energy Sources92 Renewable Energy Scenarios

10- The Biodiesel Economy and Biodiesel Policy101 Introduction to the Biodiesel Economy

102 Economic Benefits of Biodiesel
103 Biodiesel Costs
104 General Biodiesel Policy

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تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 23 شهريور 1395 | نظرات ()

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